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Change at the margins will only produce marginal change.


Morris & Associates provides result based programs that are comprehensive, actionable and relevant to leadership administrative executives in any industry or organization.


Our programs are designed specifically around the tools that you need to help unravel the complex landscape you must navigate to be successful. 

Morris & Associates LLC © 2015-2022 All Rights Reserved.

Leadership Career Enhancement Program© 


The Leadership Career Enhancement Program (LCEP) is a series of six 2-hour workshops that engages participants in intensive and interactive discussions along with readings, and case study materials guided by experiential conversations and examples intended to strengthen and hone participants leadership skills.

The LCEP Program concludes with each individual participating in a 1.5 hour executive coaching session that will further assess and guide the development of strategic decision-making and empowerment techniques as follow-up to workshop discussions and individual career goals. 


The successful achievement of both Individual and collective leadership goals requires the assembly and sustainment of an exceptional leadership team.  Through a series of workshops, team members will focus on optimizing diverse skills and resources, commit to shared aspirations, practices, and protocols to perform at an exceptional level.

The Strategic Organizational Leadership & Empowerment Techniques (SOLET) © program involves individualized leadership and empowerment training and executive coaching over a 6-month period through six 1.5-hour virtual sessions.  Participant will actively engage in learning leadership skills in areas that include self-empowerment, surviving and thriving techniques, understanding leadership vs. management, learning how and when to use voice to speak truth to power, negotiation strategies, and career development.

Two 3-hour workshops with managers/supervisors of LCEP Workshop Series participants to discuss parallel topics presented through a lens of equity and inclusion to help them support and empower their employees’ leadership development.

Contact Us

20885 Redwood Road

Suite 114

Castro Valley, CA 94546

Morris & Associates LLC ©2015 - 2022
All Rights Reserved

Thank you! We will be in touch.

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